S h r i R a d h e y

Shri Banke Bihariji Mandir (Vrindavan)


Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions
Note that we do not have a dedicated VIP darshan system which allows for special entry into the Mandir.

If you are already inside the Mandir, and want to access the darshan from the first row, you can do so by paying Rs 100 per person.

Some devotees who have booked special pooja and sewa offerings are allowed special entry into the Mandir before Mandir opens.

MPs/MLAs: Please reach out to Mathura administration for VIP darshan with protocol.
No. But on Akshya Tritya Charan Darshan of Thakur Ji is open for all devotees
Yes, foreigners can visit temple. But, remember to wear traditional Indian clothes for your visit
It has believed that the brilliant eyes of the idol will make you unconscious if seen for too long a stretch, so the curtains are closed frequently. There are no bells for Aarti, as it might disturb the child.